We want to express our sincere thanks and graditude to our generous donors and sponsors who have given their time, money and resources to support the men and women in recovery.
We have "Room sponsorship" opportunities available at our new facility for men, Robertson Recovery. On the outside of the sponsored room will be a plaque honoring the donor or the person or company he represents. All donations are tax deductable. The donations will be used to purchase furniture or other needed items (e.g. lamps, wall art, chairs).
Listed below are some of our generous donors:
- Hal and Mona Wyatt
- Thebaji (Tom) Odedra and Family
- Mike and Judy Silicato
- Central Valley Community Bank
- Kaweah Delta Hospital
- Andre Goddard, Wells Fargo Advisors
- Our esteemed Board of Directors
- Our program volunteers (too numerous to list here)